Best Business Practices

Ensuring your business is well branded and continuity is established

Ensuring your business is well branded and continuity is established

Ensuring your business is well branded and continuity is established

Businesses today depend heavily on creating awareness of products through digital marketing and media advertising. Their vision and mission statements are focused on growth, profitability, employee empowerment etc. Very rarely do you see emphasis on Trust, Honesty and Justice. The best marketing tool is creating a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and what better USP than “TRUST” and “PASSION” which is in such short supply in this materialistic world.

Islam spread in many parts of the world for many reasons. The Sahabah and the many generations thereafter conducted their business dealings as per the Quran and Sunnah of their beloved Prophet. They were absolutely honest and just in their dealings. They were passionate about observing the Quran and Hadiths in all their dealings. Given below are very few direct examples from Quran and Hadiths on the above subject:

The Qur’an ordains: “Successful are the believers... Those who are the keepers of their trusts and their covenants”. He further says: “And to Madyan we sent their brother Shuayb. He said “O my people, give full measure and weigh with justice. Do not defraud people of their property and do not act wickedly on earth by spreading corruption”.

Proof of how the early Muslims followed this to the letter is seen in the conversion of people to Islam due to the honest trading practices and good behaviour (akhlaq) of the Muslims who dealt with them. A good part of the Muslim world today has people whose ancestors embraced Islam without any Muslim army setting foot on their shores, whether it be Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Maldives etc. These countries as a group, equal 50% of the population of Muslims globally.

Thus for a business to survive, Trust, Honesty, Keeping commitments and Delivering Justice and fair play must be our first priority and the very foundation of our business. We must make effort to create awareness of our products and services by informing the potential clients the purpose of our business and the benefits we provide, thus winning their long-term trust and confidence. For this we may use digital or mass media but what is important is that we are honest in our claims